thomas m wilson

Brad Pettitt: The Next Mayor of Fremantle

August 22nd, 2009

Brad Pettitt

Today Brad Pettitt launched his campaign to become the next mayor of Fremantle.  I like a guy who launches his political campaign on a bike.

When I was growing up in Freo in the 1980s the place was full of artists and bohemian types.  During the late 1990s and the 2000s I watched property prices in the town sky rocket.  Many of the locals left or moved to Hilton or Hamilton Hill in response to this and the place started to fill up with rich white baby-boomers.  Today it is in danger of becoming a wealthy dormitory suburb and losing its special character.

Brad believes in a vibrant and inclusive Freo that doesn’t go down this path.  He wants more high density in the east end of the centre of town to bring people back into the city to work and live.  He is behind plenty of renewable energy projects and environmentally sound building standards.

Yep, he’s got my vote.