MONDAY, 20 DECEMBER 2021 FROM 18:30-21:30
Fremantle Fibonacci Centre
Bruno Manser is a well-known figure in Switzerland but not so much elsewhere. He was a shepherd in the Swiss Alps who became a nomadic hunter among the Penan people of the Borneo rainforests. This film traces his life story. Only a few dozen Penan still live as hunter-gatherers today, but this film is set in the 80s and 90s when things were very different.
Pizza from 6.30pm
Film at 7.15pm
Cost: $8 / Pizza $10
(Before or after this film I really recommend reading The Last Wild Men of Borneo by Carl Hoffman, 2018. Its a biography of Bruno Manser and explores his time with the Penan – its also one of my favourite books.)